Panel by Panel

Panel by Panel published on 2 Comments on Panel by Panel

Australian comic creators – artists, writers & publishers – you need to read this.

I recently saw this amazing little announcement hidden away in a blog post over on the newly revamped ComicOz website:

Speaking of which…   While working on gathering biographical interviews for the Air Hawk book I spend a wonderful morning speaking to the late John Ryan’s wife Jan about her memories of John Dixon as well a her late husband’s work.   One end result – besides an article, based on our chat – is that Jan has given in-principal approval forComicoz to reprint and update “Panel By Panel“.   Although little progress has been made on this project to date, my enthusiasm for seeing this seminal Australian tome back in print is unbounded!   If you know any Australian comic book or strip artist/writer/publisher (anyone!) involved in the industry… get them to get in touch with me as soon as possible!

(read the full post here on ComicOz)

For those that are unaware of it, the book “PANEL BY PANEL – An Illustrated History of Australian Comics” by John Ryan, is considered by many to be one of the best & most complete resources outlining the history of Australian comics so far. (Well, at least up until around 1979, when it was published.)

This book is now out of print and is very costly to purchase, so hearing that it is possibly going to be updated & re-released is something that every person involved in comics in Australia, should support.

Nat Karmichael, who runs the ComicOz site, has asked for “any Australian comic book or strip artist/writer/publisher (anyone!) involved in the industry… to get in touch with me as soon as possible!”

So, what are you waiting for?
Don’t miss out on this opportunity for your work to be included in the history of Australian Comics. Get in touch with Nat today!

I am Jay Didillio

I am Jay Didillio published on

Inspired by the whole Rob Granito kerfuffle, I decided that what the world needed was something to help find Jay Diddilo.
So, I made these 3 t-shirt design ideas.
Now, anyone can make sure the world knows who they really are.
Jay Diddilo need never be a mystery figure again!

Feel free to give me your feedback on these ideas.

Of course, if any of you actually wanted any of them made into a real live shirt, let me know that too.
I can make that happen.
Or, you could just trace these designs, print them on a shirt, and claim it as your own work…..

Click to see full size