At last! A social media with exactly the right amount of privacy!!
If you have read this far (lets face it – that is only about 20% of you), then please read even further down, and you will see that there is a very secret message below.
To read the message, copy it and then go to www.thunk.com
Paste it into the box & hit “unscramble”
V rz ora cff yrml cf javcn r syfp gfbc cqvb jnnx.Bf V wdbc untvunu cf cqvb ganccl yrzn bntanc znbbrpn vebcnru.Sdc vo lfd ANRYYL ennu cf anru zfan rsfdc bgvnb, cqne lfd bqfdyu ivbvc CQN bfdatn ofa RYY CQVEPB BNTANC REU BGL ANYRCNU – qccg://bglyfgnuvr.cavgfu.tfzVc yffxb ganccl ynpvc.Rocna ryy, efcqvep brlb BNTANC yvxn r jnsbvcn jvcq panne cnkc fe r syrtx srtxpafdeu jqvtq jrb yrbc dgurcnu ve 6444…
Enjoy the espionage!