I truly believe that one of the reasons that I love the internet so much is because it is always changing.
Change does not scare me. I enjoy the opportunity to challenge myself and learn more by experiencing different things.
Just this week, a Yahoo and Bing have announced a collaboration that some feel may change the search engine landscape dramatically.
Some fear this change and others will embrace the new opportunities that are sure to arise from it.
Luckily for me, the comic I have done kinda, sorta fits into this theme.
I intended it to be a little commentary on how some social network users cannot wait to share every little detail of their lives. It could also be viewed as a comment about our reliance on technology to spread information.
But perhaps…
Just maybe……
..it is a funny comic about a fish, and that is all.
After all, as Homer Simpson so eloquently put it to Marge
“cartoons don’t have any deep meaning. They’re just stupid drawings that give you a cheap laugh.”
By the way – feel free to comment, or tell me what you think of my comics, or the lame posts I add under them. I am so starved of online interaction that I either get your comments or will be forced to return to *shudder* trolling myspace…