Someday this could be you!
Maybe someone you know will have this happen to them.
The scary thing is that at sometime in the very near future, we are going to either experience something similar first hand, or we will begin to hear news reports about people bequeathing their digital credits to family & friends.
It is inevitable.
There are so many online store credits out there, that sooner or later, we will bank them just like real money.
Once that happens it is a very short journey until people begin to leave these behind in their wills.
Some credits, such as Lindens (from Second Life) can be converted into real money, which would make leaving it behind in your will much easier.
But what about all those credits that cannot be converted? Do they just become useless digital data?
I don’t see why that has to be the case. After all, aren’t most financial transactions done online these days?
That means that even now, “real money” is just digital data being transferred around.
Online credits therefore, are just as valuable and useful as “real money”.
I would encourage you all to start tracking your online credits, whatever they may be, and plan to put them to good use when you go.
Think which relatives are truly deserving enough to get the Amazon & iTunes store credits.
The others can just get your Foursquare Mayorships.