Will this CSI show be the lamest of them all?
As nearly everyone on the planet already knows, there are three CSI shows going already, as well the Law & Order / SVU types shows, which really go hand in hand with them.
These shows are popular, but I would challenge you to find someone who is not expecting, in the back of thier mind, to see another one pop up in the near future.
As it is, the shows are shown in 200 countries with an audience of around 2 billion people.
They have had a large cultural impact, creating what has been termed “the CSI Effect“. This effect has created many situations in which juries often have unreasonable expectations of real-life forensics because of what they have seen on CSI.
However the CSI effect has a negative side too.
Criminals are learning form the shows, and are frequently covering up evidence that could be used to trace them
Due to all these shows, the numbers of people looking to study forensic science, has jumped dramatically worldwide.
All of these future Crime Scene Investigators are expecting the job to be just as glamorous and challenging as they see on TV.
Well, since I have a background in science, and also have friends involved in Forensics, I can tell you that they are all in for a serious shock.
Most of the time, these crimes are solved by labwork. And the ones doing the labwork are scientists.
Forensic Science is what it is called, and there is a good reason for that.
IT IS SCIENCE. You wear a lab coat, measure with pipettes, prepare agar samples and look at specimens under a microscope.
Of course, there are some exciting times too – like burning stuff with a Bunsen flame, or when you unevenly balance samples in the centrifuge. (Science guys will know what THAT is all about)
But, you are not going to be running around, being the one who finds the single stray hair or miniscule drop of blood, which cracks the case. And even if you do, you won’t get the recognition. That goes to the Law Enforcement Officer who in charge of the case.
So, just be warned (again) that Television is NOT real life.
Real life is more boring and has less close-ups.