Do you also find it amazing that some people still do not use facebook?
Isn’t there a law or something, that says everyone should be using some form of social media by now?
I am from an age group that watched the internet get born & flourish. I had no twitter, facebook, identica, myspace, bebo, etc when I was younger.

Heck, I even remember playing computer games on a black & green screen that were run from data on a cassette tape!
I recall showing my friends “PONG” and they were astounded.
There was even the time that I was king of the school for about a month, when I got a handheld Donkey Kong Jr game that had 3 – count ’em – 3 screens!
Now, even after growing up through all of the electronics progresses of the 80’s to now, I am sometimes very surprised to learn that someone is NOT using twitter, facebook, etc.
I am not alone in this. The younger generation just expect that people are using the same online tools as themselves.
People who don’t, get shunned in the same way that when I was young, you got shunned for still playing Pacman on a tabletop machine rather than a handheld device.
It is amazing how quickly we are accepting of new services & technology, and just think of them as “the norm”.
I wonder how long it will be now, until we laugh at people for using twitter or emial, rather than Google Wave??