Jenkins can’t really be blamed for this mistake.
He is old-school and it is really easy to hear “ape” instead of “app” when you are deafened by the sound of the dial-up modem you still use.
Poor Jenkins….
On a side note, the name of this post is a tip of the hat to a band I really like, called “Simian Mobile Disco”.
You can hear their songs and find out more info on their website.
I particularly love their song “Audacity of Huge“. Check it out on youtube here.
The world of computing and social media gives us so many more opportunities to lie about our job experience.
The average person has so many tools of communication and creation at their disposal these days, that it can help wily job seekers to beef up their work histories like never before.
Suddenly, we can all have experience in networking, direct marketing, community management and website design without ever having gained a single proper qualification in it.
Many employers are possibly still on the backfoot regarding knowing what questions to ask applicants, and how to spot the pretenders.
But there is also a grey area to consider, as some activities that we simply could not easily do 5 or 10 years ago, have been made extremely simple and affordable. This does mean that more people are getting skills far beyond what they should be able to, for their age.
I don’t see this as a bad thing, but it certainly is something to be wary of.
After all, I bet all of you know at least one person that is a “Social Media Marketing Guru”