Anti Social Network

Anti Social Network published on 7 Comments on Anti Social Network

We should have guessed it would come to this…..

Seriously though, if you are a social networking user I am sure you have had someone say “that’s it! I am over it. I am leaving (insert social network name here).”
It may have even been yourself uttering those words and vowing to leave the fold.

Social networking is great and terrible both at the same time and is what I feel the internet is ultimately meant to deliver to us.

Social networks can bring us together, or make us feel lonely and unappreciated.
They allow us to highlight the fabulous things we do. But they also broadcast or failures and stupidity in speeds never before thought possible, to an audience beyond your imagining.

These networks goad us into wanting to be connected to others. To virtually scream “Look at me”.

And this same want to be part of the network can be a drug that, at times, you cannot stop.
You MUST update your status or play Zooville / Mafia wars, or the world will end!!

Disconnecting can be as beneficial as connecting and can often be the choice that, if taken, would have negated many issues we hear about on the web.
Many of the flame wars, twitter fights and facebook melees could have been stopped before they got ugly, just by putting down the mouse & backing away from the computer. That is not an easy thing to do though.

After all, that social network is all about YOU, isn’t it. People will take your side and back you unequivocally.
And YOU can say what you want to and no-one will want to put in their comment, because a fight in a public online space is private.

That is right, isn’t it?

No, of course it isn’t right.
So, if you are reading anything here that sounds familiar, I encourage you to handle Social networking situations in the way that I sometimes do.

Push back your chair, flip the bird to your computer screen and go for a short walk outside.
The internet will be there when you return – hopefully with your common sense reserves back at maximum.

By the way, if you do not know what “flip the bird” means, please enjoy this instructional video:

Facebook in real life

Facebook in real life published on 5 Comments on Facebook in real life

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you did the things that you do in facebook, in real life?

Obviously, a lot of what you do online happens in a virtual space only. However, social media has interactions with real people and real lives, which is why it is so popular.
Interactions, comments and relationships that occur in the virtual arena can easily crossover to your real life and influence it.

For many people, the relationships they create & maintain online via social media networking, actually is a real life interaction as well – even if they have never met the person at the other end of the click.
Their online networking is just an extension of how they connect to people.

Everyone has heard stories of people meeting online and marrying, or having a relationship that destroys their real-life relationship.
Also on the rise, are the stories of people adding comments to sites which are then unintentionally found by the subject of the comment. Mostly, these interactions do not end well.

Modern social networkers can actually sometimes have an inability to distinguish between the online and offline worlds.
This can lead to some disturbing results, but at the same time, may lead to amazing groundbreaking discoveries or ideas.

But overall, I find that the things we do to friends online would normally have us arrested if we tried it in real life!
Go on – test my theory.
Go and steal your neighbours cow and see what happens…….

Anti-social Media

Anti-social Media published on 4 Comments on Anti-social Media

It seems that traditional media bosses and commentators are always criticising online “new media” sites, complaining that they are “stealing audiences” and that new media” is to blame for their falling profits.

Online sources of information such as twitter and blogs, can often make traditional methods of sharing important information seem rather slow and out of touch with audiences.

These “new media” outlet also offer alternatives for advertisers looking to showcase their brand to a target demographic.

Sometimes, existing tradtional media outlet can get very upset and personal in their attacks.

The resulting impression that I get from all of this, is of the “old media” coming across as a bunch of very anti-social grumps, getting angry at silly little things.
Placing blame instead of looking for solutions.
Resisting change for nothing more than a fear of looking like they may have something new to learn.

It is all pretty rediculous, I believe.
Can’t we all just get along?

That is the reasons of why I drew this comic.
That, and I also really liked drawing the television giving you the finger…..