Unfollowing family

Unfollowing family published on 1 Comment on Unfollowing family

There is nothing more lame than following your parents on social media.

At least, that is what many people think. (mainly teenagers and full on hipsters).
Sure, when you are at an impressionable age, most things to do with parents are perceived as lame and uncool.

But there are also many people who have embraced social media or online communications, as a way to reconnect with their parents and other family members. Now you can reach out and share all things good and bad,  faster and with more details than you could via the phone or letters.
Twitter, Skype, Facebook and emails have replaced the regular call home to mum, or a letter packed with photos of the kids.
Holiday photos are shared almost immediately via Flickr or Picasa.
Family gatherings are organised through Facebook events, Google calendars or email.
Overseas calls can be accompanied with vision, via webcams and Skype.

Technology is giving us ways to share and bring our families together, even as it simultaneously provides avenues to tear things apart.

Now, if I could just create an app to allow Mum to remotely do my washing.
(What? That is not callous.She misses doing it. I just know she does….)

We need this tech!

We need this tech! published on 2 Comments on We need this tech!

There is no escape!

Whoever can make the software described in this comic, will become the new ruler of the world.
Throw in the options to block people who listen to Nickleback, and I will happily purchase anything you make from that point forward, for all eternity.

Heck, you can even start a social network and I’ll gladly let you quietly screw me over in the background just like Zuckerberg is doing, and I will never post a negative blog or tweet about it. Guaranteed!

Pussy Envy

Pussy Envy published on 8 Comments on Pussy Envy

For some people, this is just a fact of life.

People follow cats, dogs, rabbits and all kinds of other animals on Twitter.
There are over 500 cat accounts alone.
And I ask simply, WHY?

Yes, I see the novelty factor, and I know people love their pets, but seriously people. Come on!
If you run one of these accounts, you need to take a good hard look at yourself.

And you readers are not blameless in this, after all, some of you FOLLOW these accounts.

Take a look at this article about 7 Cats On Twitter With More Followers Than You.
The most famous twitter cat of all, Sockington the cat (@sockington – no, I am not linking to it) has 1,526,663 followers when I wrote this post.
A list celebrities on twitter have fewer followers than that! No wonder people get depressed using social media.

It goes further too. There are special networking sites for pets, called “social petworks” (No, I did not just make that up. Go on, google it.)
And there are sites to even help your pets tweet without your help!

This is not good people. Do you not realise what is happening here? Can you not see where this is headed?
We are slowly, but surely, enabling the animals to take over as the dominant species of this planet.

I plead with you – Stop it all NOW, before it is far too late!! BEWARE THE ANIMAL UPRISING!!

If this post is being read by any animals, please take note that I am a hard worker, and am willing to use my influence over others to serve under your glorious reign, when that day comes. I was just writing this so the other stupid humans think I am on their side. Meow meow woof squeak forever.

By the way, yes, I am aware that this comic is provocatively titled. If you have found your way here by googling ‘pussy’ and are actually reading this sentence, then leave a comment below. Also, ask yourself why you have not yet figured out this is not a porn site and are still reading?

Anti Social Network

Anti Social Network published on 7 Comments on Anti Social Network

We should have guessed it would come to this…..

Seriously though, if you are a social networking user I am sure you have had someone say “that’s it! I am over it. I am leaving (insert social network name here).”
It may have even been yourself uttering those words and vowing to leave the fold.

Social networking is great and terrible both at the same time and is what I feel the internet is ultimately meant to deliver to us.

Social networks can bring us together, or make us feel lonely and unappreciated.
They allow us to highlight the fabulous things we do. But they also broadcast or failures and stupidity in speeds never before thought possible, to an audience beyond your imagining.

These networks goad us into wanting to be connected to others. To virtually scream “Look at me”.

And this same want to be part of the network can be a drug that, at times, you cannot stop.
You MUST update your status or play Zooville / Mafia wars, or the world will end!!

Disconnecting can be as beneficial as connecting and can often be the choice that, if taken, would have negated many issues we hear about on the web.
Many of the flame wars, twitter fights and facebook melees could have been stopped before they got ugly, just by putting down the mouse & backing away from the computer. That is not an easy thing to do though.

After all, that social network is all about YOU, isn’t it. People will take your side and back you unequivocally.
And YOU can say what you want to and no-one will want to put in their comment, because a fight in a public online space is private.

That is right, isn’t it?

No, of course it isn’t right.
So, if you are reading anything here that sounds familiar, I encourage you to handle Social networking situations in the way that I sometimes do.

Push back your chair, flip the bird to your computer screen and go for a short walk outside.
The internet will be there when you return – hopefully with your common sense reserves back at maximum.

By the way, if you do not know what “flip the bird” means, please enjoy this instructional video: