Actually, Rudolph was checking in to every house, so he could become the foursquare mayor of the world.

Led by the Nose

Led by the Nose published on No Comments on Led by the Nose
Actually, Rudolph was checking in to every house, so he could become the foursquare mayor of the world.

A very big thank you to everyone that supported my comics this year.
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and a prosperous new year.

Since the world did not end in 2012, I figure we can do whatever we want in 2013, so make it an awesome year!

The iVolution of man

The iVolution of man published on 2 Comments on The iVolution of man

Evolution has been thwarted by technology once again it seems.
Next time you are walking around your city or town, take a good look around.
Humans evolved to walk upright, but now we walk looking down   …at our smartphones.

Perhaps we will become hunched over, shambling creatures again at some point in the future?
Who knows for sure, but I bet I can find an app  that will tell me.

Modern Manners

Modern Manners published on 1 Comment on Modern Manners

Grandad is back, telling you how it used to be.

You should always respect your elders. They have years of knowledge and experience to share, as well as plenty of useful life  advice.
They can regale you with tales of simpler times – like when Nokias only made phone calls and SMS was something you did behind closed doors with consenting adults.