Along for the ride

Along for the ride published on 1 Comment on Along for the ride

It seems that every group in the world tries to benefit from being seen online in one form or another, these days.

Militant, political, charitable or even criminal groups are able to use the internet to raise their profiles, promote their activities, spread propaganda or just provide an aliby.

The fact that online activity can raise visibility is both good and bad, depending on your point of view.
Many rally against this new openess, whilst enjoying the
But there are also ways to be invisible, even in this ‘brand new frontier’. You may think you know all about the internet, there are forms of “secret internets” active as well, allowing groups to interact securely and away from prying eyes.




Hot Handset

Hot Handset published on 1 Comment on Hot Handset

Ghost Rider.
Sure, he may be a superhero, but he suffers the same technology issues as normal people.

Overheating handsets is nothing new. Older mobiles used to do it a lot. And the new smartphones of today have their own overheating problems too.
And there are many possible reasons why mobile phones / smartphones will overheat.
With all of the technology and components packed into these modern marvels, you have to expect some output to be undesirable.

So what are the reasons they overheat? They are many and varied. Experts & technicians will have a plethora of reason on why these devices may have temperature spikes at times. But I think that this response I found online is the best one ever, when addressing this issue:

Q: Why do cell phones overheat?
A: Because you use them to much.

Simple. ’nuff said.
If you have read this far, then you obviously have nothing better to do.
So, in that case, I will share something with you that I have just come to realise :
I have a sub-theme of comics developing, which depict Superheroes having issues with modern techology and adjusting to an online life.
Ok, so there are only six of them so far but I am sure there will be more to follow.
>>If you want to check them all out, you can see them all here.