If the Hulk tweeted, I imagine it would go something like this.
Hmmm. Come to think of it, I know actual people on twitter that have similar tweetstreams…..
Isn’t it funny what we choose to share with others?
Sometimes we will tell things to complete random strangers, that we would never confess to even the closest of our friends or family.
Social media sites such as facebook, myspace and twitter are prime examples of this at work.
People tend to cringe when family follows them, and desperately hide things that they will happily let their work colleagues know, for example.
One day, my 4yr old son was explaining to me that since Crocodiles have really short arms, they can’t play computer games or do martial arts.
I guess that is also why we don’t see more of them on twitter or facebook….
I also made another cartoon based on this same conversation, which you can see on flickr.