Small follower count

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The number of followers you have on twitter, or number of friends on Facebook, means absolutely nothing.

The fact that sites such as Twitter Is Not A Competition even need to be created, is a shame.
Social media should be just that – SOCIAL.


Just have fun with it, interact and have a conversation.
Besides, it’s not the size, it’s how you use it.

Limited profile access

Limited profile access published on No Comments on Limited profile access

Isn’t it funny what we choose to share with others?

Sometimes we will tell things to complete random strangers, that we would never confess to even the closest of our friends or family.

Social media sites such as facebook, myspace and twitter are prime examples of this at work.
People tend to cringe when family follows them, and desperately hide things that they will happily let their work colleagues know, for example.


FailWhale tries to raise some capital venture

FailWhale tries to raise some capital venture published on 1 Comment on FailWhale tries to raise some capital venture

If the failwhale had an awesome business idea, do you think he would be able to shake off all his bad press, and be ale to raise the capital needed to get it going?

I have a feeling that he is branded as a “high risk” investment forever…