Trick or Tweet

Trick or Tweet published on 16 Comments on Trick or Tweet

Do you know who these characters are?

We don’t celebrate Halloween in Australia, but I wanted to do a special comic for the holiday, to suck up to for my readers from the USA to enjoy.

Halloween is a very foreign idea to us aussies and even though we do celebrate and embrace Halloween, we often decorate our offices & shops – mainly to try to cash in on it.
Halloween presents us with a great opportunity to make more sales by using the holiday to provide novelty themes and ‘holiday” specials on a vast range of products.

Yes, Halloween in Australia has all the retail angles covered, but lacks the love that I know so many Americans have for it.

Although, kind of in the spirit of things, we in Brisbane recently had our annual Zombie Walk.
Check out some pictures on flickr here and here.


Future Shock

Future Shock published on 5 Comments on Future Shock

What would your future self tell you about the stuff you write on social media?

It is something to ponder, isn’t it?
Do you care about the historical value of your facebook status updates or your twitter history?

I know I don’t.

It is just social media. I like to just relax into it and use it for conversational purposes.
No sense stressing over what may have happened in the past. Just learn from your mistakes & move on.
Unless, of course, your mistake can destroy the world in the future! (Although that is very unlikely).

Anyway, I am not writing much this time.
It is late at night as I write this, and I struggled with this comic.
I am still not sure if I really like it.

All I know is, I just wanted to draw dinosaurs with guns. Mission Accomplished!

Failed online gaming

Failed online gaming published on 2 Comments on Failed online gaming

When World Of Warcraft & Nintendo join forces, it can only end badly.

The collaboration shown in my comic has not happened, of course – but if it did, it would be sure to fail miserably.
I think that trying to have the Wii users and WOW users work togethor on a common platform would be harder to orchestrate than world peace.

Unfortunately, this collaboration could well be something that is on a gaming marketing executive’s “brainstorm” list somewhere.

Lets face it, worse ideas have been pitched by marketers of games – and some have actually been followed up on!

Some recent failed gaming marketing ploys include  Sony’s Failed PSP Viral Marketing Stunt and recently, EA’s “Sin to Win” contest for Dante’s Inferno

There are also too many examples of cross-promotional merchandise that marketers have pushed onto the consumer public.
Check out these 6 Crappy Items Marketed Towards Gamers, such as :

– Caffeinated Soap
– Video Game Champion Glove
– Game Fuel (which was Mountain Dews attempt to cash in on Halo 3)

Crosspromotion and co-branding is a way of life in marketing and many online games (I am looking at you, Second Life) even include branding opportunities within them.

This can sometimes be very successful.
But in my view, even when they succeed, it still feels like a sell-out.