This is what the last scene of the James Cameron Movie “AVATAR” was originally going to be.
Just kidding.
There is no way that James Cameron is in touch with modern culture enough to even know what LOLCAT is.
And I would bet my life he has never visited icanhascheezburger.com
This movie opens worldwide in just 7 days (at the time of posting this), and there are already many mixed reviews about it.
Some are not giving it much of a chance, and others feel this will be the “Gone with the wind” of Sci-Fi feature films.
I believe it may end up being this generations “Dances with wolves”, but in space.
Who knows. Only time will tell.
All I know is that James Cameron is on my shit list.
Yes, that’s right – I have a beef with James Cameron.
Why?, I hear you ask. Well, there are many reasons, but the main ones are:
- Titanic was about 2 hours too long.
- The Abyss was 30 mins too long.
- The “special preview screenings” he organised to promote Avatar showed nothing more than I could see in trailers online, at the time. (I won tickets to one of these screenings and spent a LOT of time and effort to get there, only to be let down by Cameron once again)
- The 3D in Avatar does not make the graphics better. (Those glasses are annoying and I have seen better CG graphics in computer games)
- The $500 million you used to make this “epic” could have gone to something much better – like cancer research or a campaign to get people worldwide to stop using Internet Explorer 6.
- “Let’s make the aliens look like Giant cat people!”. Wow. I expected better from you, James. Where is the originality there? That idea has been used so many times.
Anyway, there are a few reasons why I have a beef with James Cameron.
I would love to hear about why you love or hate him. Drop some feedback in below.