Dear Hollywood,
I fixed your Superman Costume design. (see below). This one is on me – no charge.
Please refrain from adding unnecessary textures to super hero costumes in future.
Your pal,

The future of computing is touch screen technology.
It is a fantastic interface, which offers intuitive navigation, instant interaction and the ability to present experiences in a manner we have never been able to do before.
Soon, everything will have a touch based navigation to it.
This is great news for most of us. Those of us, that is,who have the ability togenerate the touch pressure & bio-electric conduction required to make touchscreens work.
But spare a thought for those who will be unable to use the new technological marvels we are sure to be presented with soon.
The unlucky include:
– aliens who control things just with their minds
– characters with spikes for fingers
– monsters with huge sharp claws
– most hooved animals
– robots with caliper hands
– zombies (but only because they are too dumb)
– dinosaurs
So next time you buy a touch screen device, just think about all these things that won’t be able to enjoy it.
INCEPTION is the hit movie of the season right now.
It is a fantastic movie, but there have been reports that many people who have seen it, are having a hard time grasping the story.
Recent news reports state that around 45% of movie goers are seeing the movie again, just to try to figure it out.
So, to help all those people out, I have prepared this executive summary of the movie for you.
This will also be of use to those who are too cheap to spend the money to see the film, or are simply to busy to go.
In an odd co-incidence, this comic is being posted on the same day as the 71st anniversary of the movie “The Wizard of Oz“.
This seminal musical Hollywood hit is loved by millions around the world.
This comic was inspired from the final scene in this film, where Judy wakes up, surrounded by her family & friends and says “It was all a dream”.
In fact, this is so coincidental, that I am wondering if this is real, or am I stuck in a dream?
This is what the last scene of the James Cameron Movie “AVATAR” was originally going to be.
Just kidding.
There is no way that James Cameron is in touch with modern culture enough to even know what LOLCAT is.
And I would bet my life he has never visited
This movie opens worldwide in just 7 days (at the time of posting this), and there are already many mixed reviews about it.
Some are not giving it much of a chance, and others feel this will be the “Gone with the wind” of Sci-Fi feature films.
I believe it may end up being this generations “Dances with wolves”, but in space.
Who knows. Only time will tell.
All I know is that James Cameron is on my shit list.
Yes, that’s right – I have a beef with James Cameron.
Why?, I hear you ask. Well, there are many reasons, but the main ones are:
Anyway, there are a few reasons why I have a beef with James Cameron.
I would love to hear about why you love or hate him. Drop some feedback in below.