The terms of separation

The terms of separation published on 3 Comments on The terms of separation

Significant change happens to us all.
Sometimes we see it coming, and other times in pounces on you, like an overactive 4yr old from a trampoline.

We often prepare for things as best we can, by writing wills or deciding who gets custody of the plasma TV & Playstation.
But in this modern age, there are now other things that we need to be aware of when life changes tap us on the shoulder and says “OK, your turn!”

If you died tomorrow, what happens to your facebook or twitter account? (Don’t worry about the Myspace account. No one wants that).

Which of your kids inherits your WOW account, or is allowed to access the media server?

Who gets the iPhone and the passwords to your iTunes account (and free reign of the app store)?

Start thinking people! These things will not take care of themselves!

FailWhale gets a second job

FailWhale gets a second job published on 1 Comment on FailWhale gets a second job

It seems everyone is doing it tough these days.
Many good people are losing their jobs, or having working hours reduced, forcing them to look for alternative income sources.
I sometimes wonder what “Faily” does when we don’t see him floating around in the chauffeur-driven corporate tweet net.Continue reading FailWhale gets a second job

Small follower count

Small follower count published on No Comments on Small follower count

The number of followers you have on twitter, or number of friends on Facebook, means absolutely nothing.

The fact that sites such as Twitter Is Not A Competition even need to be created, is a shame.
Social media should be just that – SOCIAL.


Just have fun with it, interact and have a conversation.
Besides, it’s not the size, it’s how you use it.